eMail Bounce Handler
eMail Bounce Handler simply connects to your pop mailbox in order to retrieve bounces letting any other message untouched.
With GetByMail you can stay at home and have access to your office computer and vice versa simply through your e-mail account.
Trilent Mail Proxy
SMTP/POP3 proxy allows multiple computers on your network to share Internet access. Distribute mail for the entire network without a dedicated server.
EF Mailbox Manager
EF Mailbox Manager can manage as many POP3 Accounts as you like. For periodical checking, polling time can be set individually for each account.
Bulk Email mailer
Bulk Email mailer is intended for sending email utilizing subscription-based mailing lists. It's a useful tool for anyone who needs to send requested newsletters and notifications to a large number of subscribers.
Letterman Spam Control
The most effective spam control software, anti spam solution available today ! download etterman spam control for total control spam.