Email Protector
Email Protector shows you how to add password protection to your Outlook Express email. You have done this already? Well then you know that simply closing Outlook Express STILL leaves you vulnerable.
ABC Amber TBB Converter
ABC Amber TBB Converter is intended to help you convert The Bat! (very popular e-mail client) databases (TBB files) to DBF or CSV format easily and quickly.
Emoticons Mail
The smiley is attached to your email as a tine animated GIF file with nothing to download for the recipient.
Spam Inspector
A powerful spam inspector and filtering engine quickly identifies and separates the hazardous and annoying spam from your legitimate email !
MailSpeaker is an all in one e-mail voice alert program. It is an e-mail voice alert, an e-mail reader, a text reader, a clipboard reader, a Wav file player, a Wav file creator, a spam e-mail blocker.
Turbo Bulk Mailer
Complete & powerful bulk mailer software with intuitive hands-on GUI. Setup and send out your first newsletter or personalized circular within a minute after installation !
Address Magic Personal Edition
Address Magic Personal Edition helps you to quickly copy your email address book or contacts between over a dozen popular email applications !
SpamEater Pro
An effective Spam Blocking Software! will seek out and 'eat' Spam in your mailbox, a very good spam blocking software for you!
No More Spam
Spam fighter to fight spam for you, The 100% effective spam fighter for everyone. small businesses and home offices now have the ability to stop spam with this spam fighter.
febooti Command line email
febooti Command line email you can: Send email from command line, attach files to email, send email from Scheduled Tasks, CGI scripts.