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Web Authoring > JavaScript

Yaldex StatusTitle Maker 4.0

Yaldex StatusTitle Maker generates JavaScript code to show a message in the status or title bar. For example, you can describe the destination of a link in the status or title bar instead of showing the URL associated with it. Also there are many adjusted effects including: Uppercase Across, Flashing, Typewriter letter by letter and so on.
Download Details: Yaldex StatusTitle Maker
File Size:555 KB
Price:US$ 14.20
Order:Buy Now
Download:Download Now
Download ID:19140008
System:Windows XP/2000/NT/98/Me
Update Date:09-16-2004

There are 19 controlled effects for status bar and 19 controlled effects for title bar:

Flashing Bar, Bubble Writing, Scroller Bar, TypeWriter Scroller, Slowly Coming Together, Decrypter, Ticker , World Clock, WriteSlider, Word by Word, Scroller Left to Right, Copyright Across, Spread out, Cower, Gunning Words, Random Letters, Local Time, Local Time + UTC, Static Text.


Load/Save option for each of the effects.
Preview for the total effect Choice of loops of the total effect.
Preview for each of the effects as they are designed.
Insert JS: Inserts JavaScript code into your ready html (htm) page automatically .
Copy JS Code : Copies JavaScript code to clipboard .
Ability to loop the effects endlessly.
Ability to preview each effect and the total effect.
Ability to stop the effects after a number of loops or loop endlessly.
Ability to save the effects for future manipulation.
Choice of speed for the effects.
Choice of number of repetitions for each of the effects.
Save As JS: Saves JavaScript code as file.js . You can insert references to this file into multiple pages.
Save As Html: Saves whole code as HTML file. After this you can open saved page in your favorite html editor (for example FrontPage or Dreamweaver) and create or edit page.
Easy-to-use generation of the required JavaScript code.

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