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Web Authoring > HTML Editors

Triplehash Hutmil 6.6

Triplehash Hutmil is an individual and batch image, audio, web page and generic file editing program. It provides tools to rapidly perform common operations on individual image, audio, web page and generic files as well as on large numbers of these files. Hutmil can flip, rotate, resize and crop images, as well as make standalone and web-based slide shows.

It also helps you maintain your audio files by providing ID3 and Ogg Vorbis comment tools.
Download Details: Triplehash Hutmil
File Size:2.82 MB
Price:US$ 50.00
Order:Buy Now
Download:Download Now
Download ID:19110009
System:Windows XP/2000/NT/98/Me
Update Date:12-05-2003


# Add code that can be removed or replaced at a later stage by identifying it with a key; Add or change the doctype statement and Add or change meta tags of your choice.

# Change the tag. This provides a great way to change the colour scheme of your website, without relying on CSS.

# Add a link to an external stylesheet and change the case of the HTML/XML tags in your web pages.

# Remove Javascript events, SCRIPTs, all occurrences of a specific HTML tag (e.g. ADDRESS) and strip your pages of HTML tag.

# Change the case of your web pages' filenames and convert ASCII to HTML, HTML to ASCII.

# Integrated editor with syntax highlighting and "Region" directives. These can specify more precisely where code should be added using the directive tools.

# Conditional Replace feature - change/add/replace/remove values of tag attributes only if certain conditions are met.

# Add image sizes -- adds width and height attributes with the appropriate dimensions to all your image tags.

# IntelliReference technology prevents links breaking when changing file references in your documents.

# Change the reference level of links/image sources in your website, when you change the directory structure.

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