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Utilities > System Utilities
Printfil 1.0 Printfil - Windows Printing System for Application - This software, designed for Microsoft Windows, will allow you to print ASCII text files using any printer with a Windows driver. The file can be generated from a DOS/WINDOWS application or a UNIX/LINUX application, if it resides on a file system that is accessible from the Windows box (NFS, SCO-VisionFS, Samba and others). Once configured, it will allow you to: - preview printing - include logos or other images stored in separate files
You can set your application to print to an ascii file, or you can have Printfil capturing the parallel port output, redirecting your print jobs to any printer, including USB, network printers, faxmodems and PDF writers, even if a printer is phisically connected to the captured port, on any PC running Windows 95, 98, ME, NT, 2000, XP, 2003 and Linux via Wine. Printfil - Windows Printing System for Application FAQ: I've installed Printfil. As soon as my PC connects to the Internet, my firewall notice that Printfil tries to connect to a web site. What happens ? The AutoUpdate feature is enabled. If your PC connects to the Internet, then Printfil checks if a newer version is available for download from our web site, else it waits without starting a connection itself. If you want to use this feature, you must set your firewall to allows Printfil to do the check. If you do not want to do this, you can disable the AutoUpdate feature following the instructions provided in the html manual. Does Printfil allow redirection of output from an lpt port to a usb port by a DOS application ? Yes, by using the "Printfil" virtual printer installed on the Windows Control Panel. You can set your application to print to an ascii file, or you can have Printfil capturing the parallel port output and redirecting your print jobs to any Windows printer, including USB, network printers, faxmodems and PDF writers. You do not need to change your DOS app. to do this. |
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