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Multimedia & Design > Image Editing

Smart Converter 1.7

A multipurpose program for viewing, converting and editing images, with a rich toolset, various effects, and filters. It support all image file format (jpeg, jpg, png, gif ...), and has 100+ image effects, including: resize, rotate, flip, mirror, canvas size, crop and so on.
Download Details: Smart Converter
File Size:1.44 MB
Price:US$ 44.95
Order:Buy Now
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Download ID:16150004
System:Windows XP/2000/NT/98/Me
Update Date:10-09-2005

Smart Converter is a multipurpose program for viewing, converting and editing images, with a rich toolset, various effects, and filters. Beside that, you can carry out all these operations in a batch mode, allowing you to avoid repetitive operations in processing a large number of images.

Smart Converter also has a convenient ability to run slideshow and capture images from the screen. It's also worth mentioning small but handy features like printing of images directly from Smart Converter and the option for setting them as wallpaper on your desktop.

Supported formats:

bmp, jpg, gif, png, tif, jpeg, rle, dib, pcd, icb, ico, wmf, tiff, tga, pcx, scr, emf, jif, vda, jfif, rgb, afi, vst, win, cel, jpe, rgba, pic, pcc, cut, ppm, pgm, pbm, sgi, rla, rpf, psd, pdd, psp, cur, targa, bw, tar, jfi, eps (preview), int, inta, fax, jng, mng, 411, wbmp, wbm, ani, pix, thm, g3f, g3n, jp2, j2k, jpc, jpx, j2c, j, rl4, rl8, sys, tim, g3, tpi, tpic, pnm, pxm, iri, iris, rppm, rpgm, rpbm, rpxm, rpnm, rpp, rpg, rpb, rpx, rpn, bpx, wap.

Has 100+ image effects, including:

Resize, rotate, flip, mirror, canvas size, crop, add text, negative, grayscale, equalize, brightness, contrast, color balance (rgb, hsv, hsl), change color depth, swap colors, sharpen, blur, emboss, enhance, morphing, and more. With feature-rich editing tools and various filters.

Smart Converter will be your irreplaceable assistant.

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