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Multimedia & Design > Image Editing
PixSmart Digital Imager 1.0 Edit and View Digital Images software - PixSmart Digital Imager makes working with your digital images easy and fun. Browsing images and effecting batches of images. Batch copy, paste, move, delete images.
PixSmart Digital Imager is a full feature image application. PixSmart offers access to a great number of image file formats. It also allows you to edit and view your digital images in a great number of ways. Browse images, batch resize and rotate, email, slides shows, and much more. PixSmart Digital Imager is an easy to use application that allows you the ability to view, edit and make use of graphic files with the following formats: JPEG (*.jpg), Tagged Image File (*.tif), GIF and animated GIF (*.gif), Bitmap (*.bmp), Windows Icons (*.ico), Windows cursors (*.cur), Windows Animated Cursor (*.ani), Kodak PhotoCD (*.pcd), Kodak FlashPix (*.fpx), PaintBrush Pcx (*.pcx), Windows Meta File (*.wmf), Windows Enhanced Meta File (*.emf), Adobe Photoshop (*.psd), Portable Network Graphics (*.png), Truevision TGA (TARGA) (*.tga), Sun Raster (*.ras), Word Perfect Graphic (*.wpg), MacPict (*.mac), Microsoft Windows Clipboard (*.clp), Silicon Graphics Image (*.sgi), XPicmap (*.xmp), Encapsulated PostScript (*.eps), Windows Animation (*.avi), Portable Bitmap (*.pbm, *.pgm, *.ppm). |
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