Mil Shield
Mil Shield protects your privacy by deleting all tracks from your online or offline computer activities: cookies, cache, history, INDEX.DAT files and all other tracks !
East Tec Eraser
Protect your data and privacy and remove all evidence of your computer and online activity with East-Tec Eraser 2007 !
Flash Clean
A useful program for clean up the history of your activities on a computer, powerful computer clean and PC clean software !
BPS Ad Ware Spy Ware Remover
is a multi Spy Ware Ad Ware removal software, and Trackware, Thiefware, Big Brotherware, Key loggers, Trojans, Viruses, , Browser Hijackers, Dialers, Mal Ware remover with multi-language support
Internet Tracks Washer
Internet Tracks Washer ( formerly called Windows Tracks Washer ) - Protects privacy by cleaning up the internet tracks of activities ! an easy to use internet washer for you !
Privacy Guardian
Privacy Guardian guarantees your privacy by ensuring all traces of your online Internet and computer activities are permanently erased and unrecoverable on your PC.
Tracks Cleaner removes traces of your surfing and computer use. Its deletion technology meets Department of Defense standards.
Total Privacy
Total Privacy iprotects your privacy by cleaning up all the tracks of your Internet and system activities. It can clean your browser's cache, cookies, web forms data, entries in your recent documents history, find files history...
PopUp Ad Smasher
A Popup Ads killer software that does more than stop popup ads!Stop Pop-up Ads, Erase Internet Tracks and Remove Cookies!
X Cleaner Deluxe
Value: X-Cleaner works with most popular browsers and system configurations!! a super spyware detector program to delete spyware, malware, keyloggers, adware...