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Internet Tools > News Readers

NewsShark 2.0

NewsShark automatically monitors each and every connection to your ISP, calculates and displays the length of time and the cost of each session as the session is in progress. A comprehensive range of fixed, flat and variable ISP rates catered for. Configurable alarms warn you when you have exceeded your predefined monthly limits. It is simply the easiest way to track your Internet usage. No more surprises when you receive your ISP account each month!
Download Details: NewsShark
File Size:2.2 MB
Price:US$ 29.00
Order:Buy Now
Download:Download Now
Download ID:15150007
System:Windows XP/2000/NT/98/Me
Update Date:10-28-2003

NewsShark Key Features:

Emergency Restart
Automatic restart and resume batch download if news server error, timeout, etc.

Multipart Resume
Automatic multipart resume feature can restart a download at the part it left off instead of downloading all the parts again.

Partial-File Preview (formerly MP3 Preview)
Just double-click on a MP3 or MPG post to download/decode/play the first segment. (You can preview any filetype via a right-mouse button menu).

View Filters
Toggle filters let you view any combination of complete articles, incomplete, text, or unknown posts.

Auto-expire feature keeps your saved headers trimmed to parallel what is on the server.

Find feature lets you quickly view only specific headers.

Supports all popular encoding types
Can decode yEnc, UUEncode, XXEncode, MIME Base64, and BinHex encoding.

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