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Internet Tools > Dial-up & Connectivity

IOS Config Editor 2.0

IOS Config Editor is a text editor specially designed for editing configuration files for the Cisco routers. It allows downloading configuration from a remote device, editing it, and uploading it back to the device. With IOS Config Editor you have access to all devices from one place. Also, IOS Config Editor makes it easy to backup the configuration of your devices. It includes its own SYSLOG server and TELNET Console.
Download Details: IOS Config Editor
File Size:2.87 MB
Price:US$ 75.00
Order:Buy Now
Download:Download Now
Download ID:15180023
System:Windows XP/2000/NT/98/Me
Update Date:06-12-2003


Allows to configure multiple devices simultaneously .

Automates copying the configuration files to and from the Cisco devices.

Includes a full-fledged configuration file editor with syntax highlighting, bookmarks, navigation etc.

Simplifies the access control lists configuration .

Allows creating the configuration backups with ease .

Allows to decrypt the type 7 passwords and keys in the configuration files .

Uses SNMP to acquire the configuration files from the remote devices.

Supports SNMP version up to 3, which guarantees maximum .

Includes an own TFTP server, embedded into the application. You do not need to install any third-party TFTP servers .

Includes an own SYSLOG server, embedded into the application .

Includes an own TELNET console .

Supports the devices, running with IOS version 10 and above .

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