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LunarPhase Pro 1.0 LunarPhase Pro is a moon observer's software toolkit designed to help you learn about the Moon and make your lunar observing sessions more productive. It produces a calendar of moon phases amongst many other features. By using the integrated observation planning tools and the general lunar data presented on screen, you'll be able to easily plan for an observing session and be productive while observing.
Features * Main screen displays all the information you need at a glance * View moon information for different times and dates * Very High Resolution Maps have been introduced into version 2.30 * "Moon in the News" screen lists current news stories relating to the Moon. * "NASA TV" screen displays video streamed direct from NASA (requires broadband connection). * The Moon's correct orientation as seen in the sky is now be displayed on both the main screen and the lunar atlas screen * Label only those features along the terminator for easy identification (see above screenshot) * Print out the list of terminator features along with any associated observing notes * Find out if the Moon interferes during meteor showers * Graphic display of positions of rising and setting Sun (great for photographers) * Tells you what constellation the Moon is in for the selected time and date * Find future times and dates for when lunar features are under the same illumination * Explore the moon's near and far sides using 2D and 3D moon maps * Over 9,200 lunar features are included in the inbuilt database, including the Lunar 100 feature list recently published in "Sky & Telescope" (Version 1 only had 2,000 features) * Search the database for features matching your criteria * Rukl Chart outlines can be overlaid on moon map * Lists of features for each Rukl Chart can be viewed |
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