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Games > Action

Astrobatics 1.0.3

Astrobatics Imagine yourself driving a super-high-speed space fighter with a whole arsenal of steam-rolling weaponry at your fingertips crushing down hordes of vicious enemies. Caught that feeling? Then you are ready to get some pure adrenaline with our new thunderous space-shooting action game. And we're ready to provide you with it.
Download Details: Astrobatics
File Size:5.69 MB
Price:US$ 19.99
Order:Buy Now
Download:Download Now
Download ID:13100031
System:Windows XP/2000/NT/98/Me
Update Date:12-19-2003

Astrobatics Game Features

  • Several weapon upgrades including spread-fire, rear-shot and additional upgradable (cannon and rocket) turrets .

  • A number of special weapons including homing missiles, lasers, airstrikes etc .

  • Lots of enemy types differing not only by appearance but also by behavior, weaponry and the way they influence other characters .

  • Unique levels with different enemy tactics and powerful bosses at the end of each level (and intermediate ones).

  • Ground targets - plasma cannons, rocket turrets, asteroid plants etc .

  • Player ship easily controlled by keyboard or mouse .

  • Original space-age soundtrack .

  • Player-friendly interface to change game options, store player progress data and more .

  • Flexible scoring system with a detailed Top Players List .

  • Ability to post your score to Astrobatics Worldwide Hall of Fame.

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