Actual Transparent Windows
Actual Transparent Windows lets you apply a transparency effect to any window such as Taskbar, WinAmp, Menus, Instant Messengers and others in Windows 2000/XP.
Mouse Magic Plus
Over 500 CursorSkins installed on your computer, and Browse all of your CursorSkins without going online, Browse your CursorSkins quicker, and Change your CursorSkins more often.
BitmapEx is a shareware program that allows you to "skin" your toolbar with any Bitmap, JPEG, or GIF image. You can use any on your system, download some from BitmapExchange, or even create your own!
Talisman Desktop
Talisman Desktop is a desktop buddy alternative and shell-replacement for all Windows system, capable of transforming your desktop into an interface organized as you like.