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Business & Finance > Project Management

RightChoiceDSS 1.0

RightChoiceDSS is a decision modeling and analysis tool which can help you make the right decision by using the analytic hierarchy process (AHP). It allows decision makers to model the decision based on a set of objectives and criterion that are "brainstormed" and organized using a whiteboard. The objectives and criteria are evaluated using a pair-wise rating resulting in the decision weights. The alternatives are evaluated against each criterion to determine the results.
Download Details: RightChoiceDSS
File Size:3.38 MB
Price:US$ 499.99
Order:Buy Now
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Download ID:11160003
System:Windows XP/2000/NT/98/Me
Update Date:10-20-2006


  • Graphically model and maintain the hierarchy of the goal, objectives and criteria using the brainstorm whiteboard.

  • Graphically perform pairwise comparison of all of the criteria and the alternatives while calculating the consistency indices and criteria weight in real-time.

  • Maintain documentation about the criteria and alternatives, and record the rationale for the pairwise ratings.

  • Facilitate group ratings allowing individual participant ratings and rationale to be recorded.

  • Analyze group ratings building concensus and then using the concensus ratings of the group as the ratings for the primary model.

  • Analyze the results of the decision by evaluating weights, contributions, "winners" at each level, and analyzing the sensitivity of the weights and how it might change the results.

  • Produce rich text format reports with data and graphics.

  • Publish the project to the web where individuals can rate the criteria and alternatives and automatically feed the web ratings into the group participant model

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