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Increase your search engine ranking and watch your business grow, with LinkMachine.
The key to success for an online business is good
search engine ranking. All of the major search engines, including
Google, Yahoo!, and MSN, use link popularity to determine how well
a site will rank - so the more high quality, relevant links that
lead to your site, the higher it will rank. LinkMachine makes it
easy to get the links you need.
LinkMachine will help you:
Gain more targeted visitors
Increase your sales
Increase your Google PageRank
Increase your search engine ranking
LinkMachine helps you build as large a reciprocal link program as you'd like. Search engines see all of the new links pointing from other quality, relevant sites to your site, and increase your rank. Note that this is very different from using large, indiscriminate "link farms". Those will give you no advantage with the search engines.
LinkMachine: |
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Key Features:
Sends personalized e-mails to potential link partners
Finds potential linkexchange partner sites
New link exchanges posted immediately
Searches websites for contact e-mail address
Checks that linking partner sites still link to you
Generates customized link pages
Updates to link pages go online automatically
The premiere link exchange management
- Find relevant, high quality sites to exchange links with.
- E-mail the webmasters of these sites, to tell them about your site and ask if they'd like to exchange links.
- Make sure that each site you've exchanged links with is still linking to your site.
- Import your existing link pages.
- Add the new links to your link pages.
- Customize your link pages to look like the rest of your site.
LinkMachine Related Software: |
- HTML Protector - help you protect the content of your web page by preventing others from viewing your source code.
- Web Protector - protect your website and web pages, including HTML code, JavaScript, VBscript, text, links, and graphics.
- HTML Compact - a powerful HTML compression tool created for webmasters.
- Looney Links Game - Hone your memory and dexterity with this fast-paced combo puzzler! Link up matching animated characters in combinations to clear the screen before it fills up.
- Word Link - A variation of words search puzzle in which you have to find as many words as possible.
- Link Wrangler - Eciprocal link checker which spiders entire websites in order to find and verify links.
- Link Quest - The newest program out there devoted to the promotion of your website.
- ALink - Reciprocal Link Manager - A good utility for managing and checking your Reciprocal Links!
- FFA Blaster - managing and checking your Reciprocal Links, powerful FFA links, FFA Page, FFA links page Blaster Tools !
- LinkSurvey - Link Popularity Checker - Find Link Exchange Partner to Boost Google PageRank. Hot
- SiteScan: Web Spider & Link Checker - web spider software to spider entire websites, and link checker to find broken links.
- Domain Inspect - whois and link popularity lookup tool with domain name generator.
- Website ROI Software - track conversion rate help you get better website ROI, increase marketing ROI which will ultimately help you improve the conversion rates.
- Free Java Button Maker - create Java applet buttons for the Web without requiring any Java or HTML programming.
- 123LogAnalyzer - the fastest and most powerful Web Customer Analysis Tool available and by far, the most cost effective.
- HTML Color Picker - pick any favorite colors from your computer and save them to your favorite collections.
- Animated GIF Maker - create fabulous animated GIF images for the Web.
- Easy Icon Maker - a professional all-in-one icon program including icon maker, icon editor, icon changer, icon explorer, icon extractor, and icon searcher.
About |
File Size:
70.5 KB
Free to try
Win95, 98, Me, NT, 2000, XP
5M free HD space
ScreenShot |

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