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It is the first generic purpose no-coding programming system in the world. It can be used to create computer software without using computer languages.
Limnor opens the door of computer programming to a much broader population. With it, almost anyone can do computer programming. Programming is no more complicated than using dialy office software. Sales persons, office workers, business persons, ..., can make their own vivid presentations, data managing applications, kiosk applications, ..., without hiring extra software engineers.

It is a new bridge between computers and users. Now non-technically oriented users can use computers in new ways and gain a greater control of their PCs.

It is a system made for unlimited expansions/customizations by any software developer, not just by the maker of this system. It is a new platform for professional software developers, using computer languages, to deliver their products to non-technically oriented users and let the users use their products in new ways.
Personal License Purchase $99.00    Download
Limnor supports fundamental programming capabilities such as
  • User defined mathematic expressions supporting common mathematic operations and 27 common functions and constants. Users may add any kinds of new math functions via DLLs.
  • Bitwise operations.
  • Arrays
  • Loop (recursive execution)
  • Branch (conditional execution)
  • String operations
  • User defined variables
  • User defined logic expressions supporting AND, OR, NOT, >, >=, =, <, <=, <> (not equal), and grouping by "(" and ")"
Limnor supports functional programming such as
  • Standard user interface elements: buttons, lables, text boxes, list boxes, picture boxes, drop-down boxes, radio buttons, check boxes, main menus and context menus, group boxes, file browsers, file selectors, tree views, timers, toolbars, etc.
  • Video, audio, Flash, Windows Media Player
  • Hotspots which let you define any irregular shapes and areas as active places firing mouse events
  • Videoes can be played on any user interface elements. For example, play video on a button, on a label, etc.
  • Graphic drawings and Send/receive emails
  • Different degree of transparency and color for page and text
  • Web browse supporting blocking of unwanted pages and domains/partial-domains in many ways to fit your needs
  • File upload/download via FTP
  • Client/server and desktop databases, database structure management, database query builder, data viewers, pivot tables, charts, data-binding, data transfer
  • Support databases with OLE DB or ODBC drivers. Because almost all databases have such drivers, Limnor effectively supports almost all databases in the world
  • phone dialing, Smartcard reader and Coin validator.
  • and more...
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  3. Visual Text Template - Create and edit templates without having to type in a single line of code.

  4. Add Email ActiveX - create and send HTML email messages

  5. Aldo's Text-PDF PRO+ - converts text and image files to PDF

  6. Password Recovery Toolbox -cleaning and managing logins and passwords stored by Internet Explorer and Outlook Express.

  7. AWinstall - installation development software for creating small setups!



File Size:
8.01 MB

Free to try

Win 98, Me, NT, 2000, XP

5M free HD space


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