Mobile Music Polyphonic
1.5 to 2.1
colorful polyphonic ringtone for your mobile phone, Convert MP3
MIDI to Ringtone, Convert MP3 to MMF, WAV to MMF, MIDI to MIDI /
Sp-MIDI, WAV to MIDI/Sp-MIDI and MP3 to WAV ! |

"Mobile Music Polyphonic - Best way
to convert MP3 MIDI to Mobile Phone Ringtone and Convert MP3 to
MMF, WAV to MMF !" |
Mobile Music Polyphonic 1.5 is a polyphonic ringtone composition
and converting software. It can convert your favorite MIDI music
to mobile phone ringtone. You can write your own music in Mobile
Music Polyphonic and save to polyphonic ringtone format file. It
can save your music into standard MIDI, SP midi and SMAF format
(*.mmf) file. You can convert MID to MMF, MMF (based on midi) to
MID, standard MIDI to Sp MIDI, WAV to MMF, MP3 to MMF, MP3 to MIDI,
WAV to MIDI and MP3 to WAV file.
MIDI to WAV Converter Click Here !
CD MP3 to MIDI Convert Click Here ! |
Buy Now
$29.95 |
Download Site 1
Download Site 2 |
Mobile Music Polyphonic Key Features:
Compose your own music by click mouse, setup different key signature, clef and meter. Setup score tempo.
Seperate several midi channels from many complex channels midi file.
Can save part midi data from long complex midi file.
Setup music instrument to every midi channel.
Compose any complex music sheet, including channel position, volume, priority in sp-midi.
Convert midi to mmf, midi to sp-midi.
Convert mp3 to mmf, wave to mmf, mp3 to midi/sp-midi, wave to midi/sp-midi and mp3 to wave.
Mobile Music Pro 2.0
You can also try this Mobile Music Polyphonic Software:

Polyphonic Wizard 3.0
is an easy to use mobile music polyphonic software for your PC that allows you
to add a ringtone, picture (wallpaper) or Java Midlet (game) to
your mobile without any additional cables or sms services.
Wizard 3.0   Purchase
Mobile Music Polyphonic Related Software: |
Tomdownload.Com >
Audio & MP3 >
Midi Music-1
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- Quick Ringtone - An EASY TO USE Tool that can convert audio to mobile phone ringtone.
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- Able MIDI Editor - enables you to compose and edit music in MIDI form.
- AKoff Music Composer - recognize of polyphonic music from audio source and its conversion to MIDI score.
- Audio Mid Recorder - record midi to mp3 or wav files.
- HappyEO Pro - a virtual instrument with your computer keyboard and mouse.
- Microsing Karaoke Recorder - an easy to use MIDI Karaoke, MP3 Karaoke Recorder
- Ringtone Converter - Coding Workshop Ringtone Converter 2005
- Midi to Wav Recorder - Convert MIDI to WAV
- MIDI-TO-MP3 - Convert MIDI to MP3 converter.