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ChrisTV Professional 3.55

The Best way to control your TV Card, TV on your PC-High Quality Image!
ChrisTV Professional - The best way to control your TV Card - developed by Ciplea Cristian for TV Tuners with WDM Drivers installed. Supports all TV Cards based on BT8x8 chipset, Philips SAA713x chipset, Conexant CX2388x. Great Image quality and very easy to use. Has support for 20 languages. Key Features : Recording, Channel AutoScan,Fine Tuning, Customize each Channel Properties, Teletext, Zoom functions, Wheel Mouse Control, Deinterlace.
Key Features Purchase $29.75    Download
Recording using any audio/video codecs installed on user's PC.

advanced recording settings.

channel autoScan with fine tuning.

customize each channel properties, support for dscaler deinterlace directshow filter.

Radio FM support, winlirc Support, zoom feature and teletext.

Image Processing filters (only in Professional version).

image capture and slideshow.

mosaic with all your channels.

support for more than 20 languages.
ChrisTV Professional Related Software:

  1. Advanced Viewer - Image files viewer and converter, editor, mopher.
  2. All My Movies - Easy to use movie database manager.
  3. Accessory Media Viewer - Media TIFF TGA JPEG Image Viewer.
  4. AVD Slide Show - View a sequence of images as a slide show.
  5. HiMedia - Help you organize and enjoy your digital media.
  6. Image Thumbnailer and Converter - Make Image thumbnail easily.
  7. Iris Virtual Photo Album - Making skinnable virtual photo albums.
  8. IvanView - Powerful image viewer browser with extended capabilities!
  9. Media Resizer - Powerful and flexible media Resizer software.
  10. MediaMonkey Standard - Convert mp3 ogg wma files to other formats.
  11. PhotoCDuke - CD burning application which is suitable for both beginners and advanced users
  12. Full Image Info - Full information about graphic files and digital photos.
  13. ABLE PHOTO SLIDE SHOW - see all the digital photos and other images without opening each up individually
  14. AVD Slide Show - A nice utility you can use to easily view a sequence of images as a slide show
  15. Picture Show - Multimedia Slide Show and Thumbnail Viewer !
  16. Accessory Media Viewer - An all purpose TIFF Viewer, TGA Viewer, JPEG Viewer that allows you to Find, View, Edit. and Print Picture


File Size:
2.05 MB

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Win 98, Me, NT, 2000, XP

10M free HD space



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