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Outlook Express Password Revealer 1.1

Displayes all logins and passwords stored by Outlook Express !
Outlook Express Password Revealer is a program that helps the user to display server names, user logins and passwords for all the e-mail and newsgroups accounts stored by Outlook Express as well as identity passwords.
Key Features Purchase $19.95    Download
Viewing an e-mail address, server address, server type, login and password for all the e-mail accounts of Outlook Express .

Viewing a server address, login and password for all the newsgroups accounts of Outlook Express .

Viewing the names of Outlook Express users and their corresponding "Identity Passwords” .

Storing the retrieved information in a formatted text file .

Copying and pasting the retrieved information using the clipboard .

Simple and user friendly interface .
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  15. Turbo-Mailer - Ultimate tool for all of your email marketing need.
  16. MaxBulk Mailer - Complete and powerful bulk mailer software.
  17. Web Email Checker - Enables you to check all of your web email.


File Size:
552 KB

Free to try

Win 95,98, Me, NT, 2000, XP

15M free HD space



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