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Computer Lock Up - Lock My PC 2.4
your valuable data by locking your PC with just a double click!
Try this computer lock up now ! |
Computer Lock Up - Lock My PC is an easy in use and compact
tool for quick computer lock up when you leave it unattended. It
shows a lock screen, disables Windows hot keys and mouse. |
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Lock Up - Lock My PC Key Features:
Quick and safe computer lock up by a hot key, or mouse click.
Windows 2000 and XP support
(we are using our own lock engine) .
Administartive area for users
and password management by supervisor .
Multiuser support .
Multimonitor support .
Autolock when computer is idle
Custom Lock screens
--- You can create your own Lock Screen pictures and use it with
Lock My PC. Your computer will look cool and unique when it is locked.
You may use GIF, JPEG, BMP and animated GIF images as lock screens.
Lock Screen transparency level option will allow you to vary the
transparency from fully opaque to fully transparent. The latter
allows you to lock keyboard and mouse only and may be helpful when
you are watching films or running presentations on your PC. |
Computer Lock Related Software: |
- 1 Click & Lock - Lock Desktop, Lock System with a password, Secure your desktop when you step away from your PC !
- Desktop Lock - computer security protection and access control product, lock your computer desktop for access control !
- DeviceLock - Protects Windows NT/2000/XP systems by locking unauthorized access to removable devices, USB and FireWire ports
- File Lock - file lcok software to protect files folders drivers that can lock or hide your files, folders and drives easily !
- Lock Folder XP - lets you lock folders, files, and drives with your personal password, a new folder lock software
- LockTheFile - protects the content of your files from hackers and other users, lock file by password protect the file.
- Program Lock Pro - Lock and unlock any program on your pc so it cannot be used !
- The Lock XP - System Security for PC's running Microsoft Windows (versions 98/ ME/ NT/ 2K/ XP/ 2K3).
- Parallaxis Cuckoo Clock - Create the look and feel of an old-fashioned Cuckoo Clock on the desktop of your PC...
- ChameleonClock - An excellent digital desktop clock that changes the look of your standard desktop clock...
- MouseClock for Windows - the only Internet-enabled mouse cursor enhancement you'll ever need!
- Skin Clock - replaces standard tray clock and successfully blends with OS interface adding it and giving professionally designed modern look
- ZoneTick World Time Zone Clock - Time zone clock software replacing Windows system clock with multiple timezones !
- Drunken Clock Screensaver - supports a number of skins that change the appearance of the screen savers.
- Secure HTML Lock - You need this Web Site Protector and Web Page Protector to stop theft of your webpages and HTML source code.
- Hours Clocked - Time clock software hours clocked is a handy time card calculator program.
- Izilock - Lock your folders with a password! Keep inquisitive eyes away from your confidential files with IziLock !
About |
File Size:
835 KB
Free to try
Win 95,98, Me, NT, 2000, XP
15M free HD space
ScreenShot |

Click to Enlarge |