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PhotoCool 1.56
Print your digital photos in seconds! Photo Cool is the Best Digital Photo Printing Software! |

Print your digital photos in seconds! You can print multiple photos in one page.You can make photo albums, passport,mini ID cards,CD covers , contact sheets and 4x6 or 5x7 photos with PhotoCool and make your photos into cool memories. All you need is four steps and a good photo paper; you will in no time have great prints to smile at.
PhotoCool gives you many options to retrieve photos from digital camera, scanners or disk. All the operations can be performed by drag-and-drop or images can be arranged by thumbnails, by size or manual mode. |
PhotoCool: |
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Photo Printing Software - PhotoCool Key Features:
Once you have uploaded your photos you can use the editing tools by PhotoCool image editor.
The programs image editor can edit individual images with tools like rotate, flip, color and light levels, crop, blur, sharpen, alpha ,red eye remove and perform color corrections.If you cannot wait to share the photos with your friends send them directly through email.
PhotoCool is software which is extremely easy to use. It will complete all your tasks in just four steps.
You can Add frame to photos with customize Frame.
You can create wonderful layout ready to go in just a few minutes. Use PhotoCool and make your photos come alive. |
Digital Photo Printing Software - PhotoCool Related Software: |
- 3D Maker - Transform 2D graphics to stunning 3D within seconds!
- ACA Capture - An advanced screen capture software.
- AVD Graphic Studio - Editor for graphics, animation and video.
- Image Converter - Convert images to Bmp Gif Ico Jpg Png Tiff Wmf.
- Text2Image Converter - Convert any your document to any pictures.
- Batch Image Converter - Convert batches of PICs format each other.
- EZ-Pix - Rapid browsing, viewing and editing of your pictures.
- Default Printer - A utility design to offer you complete and total control over your printers.
- Print Studio Standard Edition - The complete business solution for all your labeling and printing needs!
- Printfil - Allows character based applications to print to Windows printers, even if it is a Dos/Windows application
- Convert to TIFF with TIFF Printer Driver - Convert to TIFF with TIFF Printer Driver can convert any file from any program to TIFF.
- Easy Button Creator - Easy make 3d buttons on prepared templates.
- Graphics Converter Pro - Powerful batch image converter and viewer
- HyperSnap-DX - Perfect screen capture and image editing tool.
- Image Viewer - View and refine images from folders and browsers
- Image Broadway - Image editor for beginners and professionals!