SoftX FTP Client
SoftX FTP Client is a FTP Client for Windows and Pocket PC that gives you a fast, easy and reliable way to transfer files and directories (upload or download) between your computer and FTP server.
WinFTP Client
WinFTP Client is a FTP client software with high-performance. With the development of internet technology, the speed in Network has been enhanced largely.So the practicability, stability and easy use of the software became the pivotal problem.
If you need to transfer files to and from your server, then your search for what tool to use has ended.
My FTP is the most popular and powerful file transfer program available, and once you started use it, you can't be without it!
FileCOPA FTP Server
FileCOPA FTP Server takes the hard work out of running an FTP Server. The FileCOPA FTP Server Software installs on any version of the Microsoft Windows operating system with just a few clicks of the mouse and automatically configures itself.
BitKinex FTP Client
BitKinex integrates the functionality of an innovative FTP client, SFTP client and WebDAV client for Windows. In addition to features found in other popular FTP programs (like support for the SSL/SSH, multipart and multithreaded transfers, etc.
WtsFtp enables transferring files between a windows Terminal Services Server and a windows Terminal Services Client over any network connection supported by windows terminal services.
ZapVin is a Web based File and Document Transfer application. Allows Unattended, Automatic file transfer between multiple locations, simultaneously, via FTP or point to point.
WirelessGet allows you to copy shared files and folders quickly over an unreliable network (like WLAN). It solves the problem of copying files with Windows Explorer fails due to the size of the file and instability of the network.
FTP Explorer
FTP Explorer is a File Transfer Protocol client. FTP Explorer looks and acts very much like the Windows Explorer, offering a fun and easy way to transfer files.
HS FTPExplorer
Upload and download your files and directories from/to your website or an ftp server . Simply drop files or directories into the program window or copy from/paste into. This ftp program has windows explorer style.