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is an easy-to-use Internet application
that allows you to download pictures from the web. It can access
your favorite web sites with a maximum of 8 threads simultaneously.
It saves you both time and energy.
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Infine Capture Flash |
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Infine Capture Flash is a software allows you to capture flash
files from all open webpages and temporary Internet files, and save
them to disk. You can preview each Flash file (.swf) with the built-in
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GetRight |
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works with your web browser to help
you download files from the Internet. GetRight can accelerate your
downloads and can recover downloads if errors occur (resume downloading).
GetRight has many other advanced features such as scheduling, automatic
dialing, and file searching. More
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InstantGet |
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InstantGet is a powerful and efficient download manager and
accelerator, InstantGet splits downloading files into multiple sections,
downloading each section simultaneously to increase downloading
speed up to 5 times faster. to organize your downloads and manage
proxies and sites.
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FlashGet |
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FlashGet is specifically designed
to address two of the biggest problems when downloading files: Speed
and management of downloaded files. It can split downloaded files
into sections, downloading each section simultaneously, for an increase
in downloading speed from 100% to 500%. More
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PICgrabber |
PICgrabber You no longer have to search through an endless
array of pages to locate free movies & free pictures. Simply enter
the name or a keyword and let PICgrabber do the work for you, Just
choose your search topic and press start...while PICgrabber is searching
the web through Google, Altavista, Yahoo, Hotbot, Excite, etc. More
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Visual Web Task |
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Web Task is advanced web crawler that parses HTML tags and extracts
data and files. It creates spiders for any download and extraction
need. You can teach your HTML parser how to negotiate logins, proxies
and security pages to download and extract what you need - files,
search results, and more! More
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Internet Download Accelerator |
Internet Download Accelerator lets you to noticeably increase the speed of file download from the Internet using HTTP, HTTPS and FTP protocols. The acceleration is achieved by splitting a file being downloaded into several parts and downloading these parts at the same time.
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Web Pictures Grabber |
Web Pictures Grabber is a useful utility which can search pictures from web sites and download them automatically. You specify the URL, and this smart utility explores the entire web site and downloads all pictures that meet your specifications to a specified folder.
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GetFlash |
GetFlash is so easy to save and browse flash by GetFlash. You can save
flash by Flash Toolbar and Flash Menu. and you can save several
flash files one time. you will find in the flash tree is embedded
in Internet Explorer. you can browse the saved flash by just one
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Picdownloader |
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There are hundreds of thousands sites all over the Internet that include interesting or useful images. to save these beautiful pictures in web browser is a time consuming affair, as you must click on each individual image and specify the location where it will be saved.
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