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Easy Adder 3.78
Easy Adder is the ultimate Myspace Friend Adder tool to help promote your band, market your product and services,
or even run for office.
Easy Adder is the ultimate Myspace Friend Adder tool to help promote your band, market your product and services, or even
run for office. Easy Adder automates the daunting task of adding friends, sending messages, and leaving comments. A must have
tool for anyone serious about promoting their online business or Myspace account. Our new 3.x version has many enhancements
including a third party captcha solution, and the ability to sync with the no more captcha setting in Myspace. Add hundreds to
even thousands of Myspace friends! Easy Adder allows you to easily add friends to your Myspace account. You can extract friends
from other Myspace profiles & Myspace groups! You can also add friends based on age, gender, location, and more. You can even
search for your favorite bands based on genre, country, state, zip code, sounds like or keyword.
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Easy Adder Key Features:
- Multi Threaded! Our new 3.78 version has the ability to send friend requests from multiple accounts simultaneously.
- Third Party Captcha Solution! No need to enter captcha codes manually.
This Myspace Friend Adder has the ability to enter them for you automatically.
You have the choice of a free service or a paid service. Choose that one that fits your budget.
- Exclude Band Profiles! When sending friend requests, messages, or
comments you now have the option to exclude all band profiles.
- Preview Messages and Comments! You can now preview your message or
comment before sending it allowing you to catch any HTML mistakes before hand.
- Friends Online! You can now retrieve a list of all your friends online so your messages
and comments can be read instantly.
- Blacklists! Don't worry about sending requests, messages, or comments to users who
don't want to hear from you. Easy Adder allows you to maintain a blacklist of profiles.
- Personalized comments and messages! Names can be extracted from profile IDs and
automatically inserted into the body of your message or comment to give a more personalized feel.
- Schedule bulletins to be posted! Bulletins can be scheduled to automatically post
every X number of minutes, hours, or days while you continue to work on adding friends or sedning messages.
- Proxy! Behind a proxy, no problem, Easy Adder allows you to enter your proxy information before connecting to Myspace.
- Auto Accept! Auto accept new friend requests, and send them a message or comment at the same time.
- Send Group/Event invitations! Broadcast event and group invitations to all of your friends in
your network with a few clicks of the mouse.
- Use with unlimited MySpace accounts! Feel free to use Easy Adder with one or any number of
Myspace accounts you might have. Sending friend requests and messages from multiple accounts increases your exposure.
- Import and export a list of friend IDs! Quickly save and load a list of profiles that you want
to send friend requests or a message to without having to search for the same IDs.
- Set thresholds for the last login time! This unique feature lets you avoid sending friend requests
to users that haven't logged in for the last X number of days.
- Human emulation! Easy adder has the ability to randomly sleep between actions and
internally clicks links and submits forms as if a real person was doing it, thus reducing
the chances of having your account deleted.
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Easy Adder |
File Size:
11.35 MB
Free to try
Windows 7, Vista, 2000, XP,
1.0 GHZ Processor
256 MB RAM
10 MB Disk Space
Rating:  |
Screenshots |