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Tomdownload.Com > Home & Education > Health/Nutrition

Workplace Angel

Workplace Angel reminds you to make pauses in your work and helps to adjust workplace for comfortable and healthy working.
Workplace Angel Workplace Angel Millions of people who use computers daily are prone to several computer diseases like the musculoskeletal disorders, visual fatigues, stresses and other health problems.

Workplace Angel is a "must have" application developed by health care professionals and managers working in the office. It reminds you to have breaks periodically, to do some stretches or exercises and gives advices how to organize your workplace. It helps to prevent computer diseases, be in a good fettle for the whole day and save your health for out-of-the-office life.
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Workplace Angel
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File Size:
786 KB

Free to try

Win 2000, XP, 2003

10MB HD space


Workplace Angel
Workplace Angel
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