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DIY Screensaver Edition 2.3
Make Screen saver - Make a professional screen saver by yourself ! |

DIY Screensaver Edition --- Make your own screensaver with a professional tool in minutes.There are 3 edition ( Professional edition,Standard edition,Desktop edition)What's the different of 3 edition? Below,you can get further information about their discription and comparison.
Take your lovely photos, images,music, and video to Screensaver DIY.You will easily create professional screen savers and beautify your desktop in minutes with our Screensaver DIY. |
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DIY Screensaver - Make Screen Saver Main Features
- Several Background options (solid, gradient, bitmap, original screen...)
- Customize Individual Scene - adjust individual scene's properties (position, effect, caption, background, etc.)
- Support Bitmap splash screen
- Wallpaper Package - allow users to choose an image from the screensaver to display as wallpaper,and immediately apply it to their Desktop if desired.
- Project Preview before saving or building
- Define each scene's caption
- Readme and License text can now be in Rich Text format. Rich Text files (.rtf) can be directly
- Support drop shadow effect
- Easily collects media files using drag and drop from other programs
- imported. Automatic URL recognition - Can check for a number of URL formats (for example, http:)
- Choose font color, type, size, and effect for the global scene's captions
- Project Save/Load - You can save and re-open your screen saver project. All settings are modifiable.
- Advanced transition effects with over 100 combinations producing smooth transitions between images, meanwhile supporting sound fx effect
DIY Screensaver - Make Screen Saver Media format Supported
- Images,Photo...
Image formats:Bmp,Gif,Jpeg ,Psd,Png,Pcx,Tga,Tif etc.
- Music ...
Audio/Sound formats:Midi,Wav,Mp3 Rmi,Wma etc.
- Video ...
Video formats:Mpg,Mpeg4,Avi,Wmv,Asf,Ram,Rm ,Qt ,Mov etc
- Web ...
Web/Html formats:Html,Dhtml Asp,Php etc
- Flash ...
Flash formats:Fli/Flc animated Swf files
- FLI/FLC animated
- RealMedia Movies (RAM, RM)
DIY Screensaver - Make Screen Saver Related Software: |
- Animated ScreenSavre - Create professional animated screensaver wallpaper and greetings card ( Ecard ) quickly.
- 2Flyer Screensaver Builder - allows you to create high-quality screensavers and share them with others.
- 3D Canyon Flight Screensaver - allows you to fly through photo-realistic three-dimensional canyon.
- Alchemy 3D Screensaver - Ancient alchemy lab complete with mystic stuff, amazing lighting effects and mysterious fog.
- Aqua 3D Screensaver - Watch an aquarium on your desktop, a wonderful Aqua 3D Aquarium Screensaver for you !
- Easy Screensaver Creator - The fastest and easiest way to create share screen saver and resell it.
- ElectriCalm 3D Screensaver - shows off an amazing 3D world complete with a starry sky and a cool foggy night.
- Flash ScreenSaver Builder - This screensaver maker allows you to use flash SWF files in screensavers along with images, text and multimedia.
- Internet ScreenSaver Builder - Make screen savers updateable via Internet. Use images, text and avi/wav/mp3 files with wizard.
- MatrixWorld 3D Screensaver - the Matrix Screen Saver on your desktop, It is so cool!
- Picture River ScreenSaver - is a spectacular slideshow screensaver with over 40 stunning special effects.
- Rainy Screen Saver - Enjoy Rain Drops Flooding Your Desktop!
- Stars 3 Screensaver - A unique and stunning 3D Windows screensaver featuring the Moon.
- Screensaver Maker - Easily Make your own Professional ScreenSaver in Minutes!
- SeaStorm 3D Screensaver - Watch a sea storm on your desktop, The realistic 3D environment and stereo sound FX.
- Space Plasma 3D Screensaver - Shows you off a colourful plasma effect also known as Plasma Sphere or Illuma Storm.
- WireWorld 3D Screensaver - Look into a hunk of electric wires screensaver.
- Magus Crow 3D Screensaver - turns a screen into a mysterious world of wizardry.
- Radar Screensaver - A modern and outstanding screensaver which is able to turn your video display into a screen of a fabulous radar watching the skies, seas, and near-Earth space.
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Free to try
Win95, 98, Me, 2000, XP
10MB free HD space

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