Buddy icon maker - Buddy Create icon, buddy Icon Tool, buddy Icon Editor,
Icon Cool, Icon XP, ArtIcons, My Buddy Icons download |
Easy Icon Maker |
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Easy Icon Maker - This is the best program for any icon purposes like creating an icon, editing an icon, exploring any icons on your PC, searching icons from your PC with different filters,
extracting an icon from a binary file, and changing an icon with a binary file.
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Buddy Icon Grabber |
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Buddy Icon Grabber is a 32 bit utility designed to scan the
directories and drives on your computer and extract all icons it
finds inside of all exe, dll, scr, ocx, ico, and icl files.
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Folder Icons |
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Change Folder Icons is a small utility for Windows, allows you
to find thousands of buddy icon in your computer and make changes
of Windows folder buddy icon by the simple and fast way. More
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Custom Icons |
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Custom Icons CustomIcons can customize the icons on you desktop, in Windows Start menu and many other locations. Using CustomIcons you can easily replace default Windows icons with the ones to your choice and customize a wide variety of desktop attributes. More
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Picture To Icon |
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Picture To Icon converts images or any part on your screen into
icons, resizes the icon and extracts icons from libraries. With
Picture To Icon you make nice Windows icons of your pictures or
digital photos very quick and easy. Picture To Icon converts BMP,
JPEG, GIF, CUR, WMF formats into all sizes Windows icons. More
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Exe Icon Changer |
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Exe Icon Changer - The tool can replace the icon in the executable
file easily very much. Even if you move the file to another computer,
the changed icon will be displayed anyway ! More
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IconPilot |
is an buddy icon editor and buddy icon
library manager for Windows. It uses multiple document interface
(MDI).Create and edit icons in either standard or custom sizes,
in color depths up to 16 million colors. Customize Windows Desktop
and folder buddy icon. More
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IconCool |
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IconCool can manage thousands upon thousands
icon easily and easily search, extract, convert, create, manage,
store, archive, enlarge, reduce and distribute icon, can easily
export icon to CUR, GIF, JPG, PNG, WBMP, EMF, TGA, WMF, TIF and
ICL file formats.
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Editor |
IconCool Editor can create and edit buddy icon for Windows
XP in 32-bit color depth with an alpha channel. Now, you can easily
create wonderful, semi-transparent XP icon. It can extract icon
from EXE, DLL, ICL and other files, and send the extracted icons
to the edit area, then save them back. More
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IconXP |
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IconXP allows professional and amateur graphic artists alike
to create and edit buddy icon with smooth transparency. Create and
edit buddy icon in either standard or custom sizes, in color depths
up to 16 million colors. Create and edit buddy icon for Windows
XP in 32-bit color depth with 8-bit alpha channel. Open and edit
BMP, JPEG and PNG images in sizes up to 127x127. More
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ArtIcons Pro |
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ArtIcons is an advanced buddy icon-specific utility for Windows.
It allows professional and amateur graphic artists alike to create
and edit buddy icon images and manage icon files and libraries.
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IconChanger |
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IconChanger can change personal file icon as well as desktop
buddy icon, As we organize our own inner experiences we tend to
put unique labels or unique inner images to each event we distinguish
from some other event. That's how we would like to organize our
computing experiences. More
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IconLover |
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IconLover will scan and extract buddy icon from your files,
folders and drives in a wink. Quickly and efficiently scan files,
folders or even entire drives for icon images .Extract icon images
from .ico, .cur, .ani, .exe, .icl, .dll, .scr, .il, .nil, .ocx,
.vbx, .dpl, .bpl and other libraries .Import .bmp, .jpg, .png, .gif,
.wmf images with any sizes into icon collections. More
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My Buddy Icons |
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Smart Graphic Kid My Buddy Icons is an easy-to-use AIM buddy
icon tool. It allows you to customize, modify or make your own AIM
buddy icon, then send them directly to your AIM messenger and change
the buddy icon. More
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Coffee IconEditor |
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Coffee IconEditor contains all tools you need for creating and
editing Windows buddy icon and managing buddy icon libraries. The
program is friendly enough for the casual user who wants to tweak
a couple of standard. More
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IconEdit2 |
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IconEdit2 is an award-winning easy-to-use and powerful icon
editor. It supports ICO, ICL, NIL, EXE, DLL, GIF, TIFF, BMP and
JPEG files for open/extract/convert to icons.
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Icon Constructor |
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Icon Constructor
converts images (BMP, JPEG, GIF, PNG, PSD, TGA and TIFF formats) of any format into Windows icons. You can find many images on the Internet and convert them to icons for use on your Windows desktop, in applications and much more.
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Pretty Icon Maker |
Pretty Icon Maker is based on a simple concept: A powerful tool,
yes, but easy to use. it apply oneself to let every common user
can make professional and beautiful icon easily. More
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Image Icon Converter |
Icon Converter Icon Converter converts BMP, JPEG, GIF, PNG,
TGA, TIF and PCX formats into Windows icons. More
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IconBook |
is to let you perform any icon related task. This includes searching
for icons, creating icons, converting icons to BMP, GIF or JPG,
managing your icon collection and changing of Windows system icons.
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