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Loan Calc
Calculate repayments amount, monthly and total interest, total repayments and generates a full repayment list from a start date. it can be used with Dollars, Francs, Marks, Pounds,... |
Loan Calc is an easy-to-use tool intended to calculate loans
and mortgages repayments in a very simple way. Loan Calc calculates
repayments amount, monthly and total interest, total repayments
and generates a full repayment list from a start date. Loan Calc
is currency-independent so it can be used with Dollars, Francs,
Marks, Pounds,... or whatever you like. Just use a dot or a comma
for decimals depending on your system settings.
Loan Calc lets you select both period and interest compounding from continuous (compounding only), weekly, biweekly, monthly, quarterly, semiannually and annually. Furthermore Loan Calc allows you to save all the repayment list to a text file or an Excel sheet.
Buy Now $15.00
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Loan Calc Key Features:
- Calculates loan repayments according to amount, rate, duration...
- Support for interest compounding.
- Generates full payment list from a start date
- Exports repayment lists to text files or Excel sheets.
- Currency independent - Easy-to-use interface.
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Loan Calc |
File Size:
1.24 MB
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Loan Calc
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