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- Flac converter, convert flac mp3 rmj ape wma vqf wav -
FairStars Audio Converter 1.51
A media file conversion tool, support Convert
FLAC to MP3, Convert RMJ to MP3, support many audio format as: RM

FairStars Audio Converter is a media file
conversion tool to convert WAV, RealMedia(RM, RA, RMJ, RMVB ), AIFF,
MP3, WMA, WMV, ASF to WMA, MP3, VQF, OGG, FLAC, APE, WAV formats.
You can convert multiple files in a single batch, regardless of
their source and target formats. The audio format conversions are
performed without any temporary files, allowing high conversion
speeds. Other features include normalization (adjust volume), support
for ID3 tags and more. |
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Convert FLAC RMJ to MP3,
FairStars Audio Converter Features :
- Convert WAV, RealMedia (RM, RA, RMJ RMVB ), AIFF, AU, Creative
WMV, ASF to WMA, MP3, VQF, OGG, FLAC, APE ,WAV formats with
different settings.
- Support automatic volume adjustment(normalization) when converting.
- Batch audio files conversion with fast speed, no temporary file created.
- Support automatic saving ID3 Tags when converting, and also support ID3 tags display and edit.
- Easy-to-use user-friendly interface.
Convert FLAC RMJ to MP3,
FairStars Audio Converter Function :
- Convert WMA to MP3, OGG, VQF, APE, FLAC, WAV, WMA
WMA to MP3, WMA to OGG Vorbis, WMA to VQF, WMA to APE, WMA to FLAC, WMA to WAV PCM, WMA to WMA 9 (resampling)
- Convert MP3 to WMA, OGG, VQF, APE, FLAC, WAV, MP3
MP3 to WMA 9, MP3 to OGG Vorbis, MP3 to VQF, MP3 to APE, MP3 to FLAC, MP3 to WAV PCM, MP3 to MP3 (resampling)
- Convert OGG to WMA, MP3, VQF, APE, FLAC, WAV, OGG
OGG Vorbis to WMA 9, OGG Vorbis to MP3, OGG Vorbis to VQF, OGG Vorbis to APE, OGG Vorbis to FLAC, OGG Vorbis to WAV PCM, OGG Vorbis to OGG Vorbis (resampling)
- Convert VQF to WMA, MP3, OGG, APE, FLAC, WAV, VQF
VQF to WMA 9, VQF to MP3, VQF to OGG Vorbis, VQF to APE, VQF to FLAC, VQF to WAV PCM, VQF to VQF (resampling)
- Convert APE to WMA, MP3, VQF, OGG, FLAC, WAV, APE
APE to WMA 9, APE to MP3, APE to OGG Vorbis, APE to VQF, APE to FLAC, APE to WAV PCM, APE to APE (resampling)
- Convert FLAC to MP3, WMA, VQF, APE, OGG, WAV, FLAC
FLAC to WMA 9, FLAC to MP3, FLAC to OGG Vorbis, FLAC to VQF, FLAC to APE, FLAC to WAV PCM, FLAC to FLAC (resampling)
- Convert WAV to WMA, MP3, VQF, APE, FLAC, OGG, WAV
WAV to WMA 9, WAV to MP3, WAV to OGG Vorbis, WAV to VQF, WAV to APE, WAV to FLAC, WAV to WAV PCM (resampling)
- Convert RM to WMA, MP3, OGG, VQF, APE, FLAC, WAV
RM to WMA 9, RM to MP3, RM to OGG Vorbis, RM to VQF, RM to APE, RM to WAV PCM, RM to FLAC
- Convert RA to WMA, MP3, OGG, VQF, APE, FLAC, WAV
RA to WMA 9, RA to MP3, RA to OGG Vorbis, RA to VQF, RA to APE, RA to WAV PCM, RA to FLAC
- Convert RMJ to MP3, WMA, OGG, VQF, APE, FLAC, WAV
RMJ to WMA 9, RMJ to MP3, RMJ to OGG Vorbis, RMJ to VQF, RMJ to APE, RMJ to WAV PCM, RMJ to FLAC
- Convert Other Audio formats:
AIFF, AU, Creative VOC, PVF, IFF, SVX, MP1, MP2, WMV, ASF to WMA, MP3, VQF, OGG, FLAC, APE ,WAV formats.
Note: If you want to convert
RealMedia Files(RM, RA, RMJ) to other audio format files, you need
install RealPlayer or RealOne on your machine, and you may download
it from http://www.real.com.
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